Test Your Commitment To Building Wealth !
Let’s take a little test and see how your commitment to building wealth measures up.
Below are 10 examples that contrast the daily practices and attitudes of professional wealth builders with amateurs to show who’s committed and who’s just interested.
Your job is to decide which description in each example best fits your actions and tally the results at the end.
Professionals play to win because that’s how they get paid. Amateurs play for fun because it interests them and results are a secondary consideration. Amateur symptoms include lots of talk, analysis, study, and preparation, but little action. Talk and analysis don’t create results without action. Professionals do the exact opposite by talking little but taking massive action. Action is what gets results, and results are all that matters when it comes to building wealth. How much action are you taking every day?
Professionals overcome all setbacks that inevitably occur in the pursuit of financial freedom because their commitment drives them to persist. Nothing less than success is acceptable; there’s no viable alternative. Amateurs give up too early and get sidelined from building wealth as other opportunities look more appealing and fun.
Professionals prioritize building wealth; amateurs play the game as an afterthought to the rest of their lives. You won’t succeed at the wealth game if it’s merely a tag line to the rest of your life because something will always get in your way. Professionals live according to a carefully designed, srategic plan that dedicates a portion of every day to building their wealth. You must proactively organize your life to make room for building wealth by creating daily habits that support a wealthy outcome. That only happens as a result of a properly designed wealth plan that prioritizes and strategically focuses your daily activities to produce the desired end result. Does you have a plan that does that?
“A professional is a person who can do his best at a time when he doesn’t particularly feel like it.”
– Alistair Cooke
Professionals play seven days a week because consistency and persistence creates results. They show up every day to play whether they feel like it or not. Amateurs are weekend warriors who play occasionally and only when convenient. With that said, obviously professionals take days off, but the point is to illustrate consistency of purpose and dedication.
Professionals are committed to a long term approach based on a realistic action plan. They build their toolbox of skills and improve their financial intelligence with daily practice because many little things done right can compound into big wealth over time. Amateurs are overambitious and have an unrealistic timetable. Amateurs want the big killing now so they can “get this wealth thing over with” and get on with their lives. Professionals seek small daily wins and continual improvement as they methodically reach their goal with confidence and certainty; whereas, amateurs are attracted to “hot tips”.
Professionals take their lumps and bruises with every game because that’s the result of taking intelligent risks. Amateurs sit safely on the sidelines. No guts, no glory. You only get results if you’re willing to take intelligent risks.
Professionals live by the principle of delayed gratification. They’re willing to pay the price today for the greater glory that tomorrow holds. Don’t confuse this with suffering. There’s no suffering when pursuing what you most desire. It may be hard work, but sometimes that’s necessary to realize your fullest potential. Amateurs want it now and aren’t willing to pay the price of admission. They want something for nothing and won’t follow through unless it’s fun and easy.
Professionals don’t allow the clutter of life to keep them from playing every day. They eliminate distractions so they can focus on the goal they’re committed to. Amateurs are regularly distracted by bright-shiny-objects and lose focus.
Professionals face their fear of failure by stepping up to the plate and swinging the bat – even if it means striking out. You can’t hit a home run or get on base if you’re not willing to strike out occasionally. Amateurs avoid their fear of failure by “getting ready to get ready,” thus avoiding the necessary action that leads to financial success.
Professionals build wealth like a business with efficiency and focus. Growing their personal wealth is the professional’s primary business activity with all other work and financial tasks being designed to support it. Amateurs treat it like a hobby.
Judging by the actions (or lack thereof) you take in your life, how did you score? Are you a professional or an amateur wealth builder?